

Customer Engagement and Sustainability - we take them both seriously.

We are sustainable and help you be sustainable too!

Delloop's Customer Engagement Platform aims to reduce both Retailers' and Brands' marketing carbon footprint by hyper-personalizing their offers and messaging, to deliver the right incentive, to the right consumer, at the right place, at the right time.

The Delloop 360° EcoSystem Touch Points

By helping Retailers and Brands stay connected to their customers in an enduring relationship even after the sale, we open a line of communication between parties that can be used for amongst other things, sharing of procedures relating to recycling and the disposal of products at end-of-life.  

Customer Engagement

This helps the environment by reducing waste, promotes Brands and Retailers as good corporate citizens and turns ordinary people into caring friends of the Earth.

Delloop supports “Common Objective” (CO) the global community for sustainable fashion business by providing members with a sustainable option to their engagement efforts.


The Facts

FACT: In 2021, a little over 271 billion spam emails were sent each day. The average spam email has a footprint of 0.3g CO2e.

That means that the total daily worldwide carbon footprint of spam email is 81.3 billion grams of CO2e (81,300 metric tons)!

All of these combined with countless A/B testing and server usage, means marketing is a big contributor to energy waste.

Things that we feel are less than a drop in the ocean are making a huge impact on the carbon footprint of companies. Most people have no clue!

The industry uses a ridiculous amount of energy just to see what sticks, and from the retailer side this is a never-ending story: from billboards to snail mail, to the guy spreading pamphlets outside the subway. 

Everything takes a toll on energy waste.

What Delloop does

Now, Imagine we can reduce that significantly by allowing brands to hyper-personalize the incentives you receive and protect your data in the process, win-win!

What we are doing with Delloop is to make sure retailers have access to a much more detailed customer persona. Now they have a way to deliver the right incentive, to the right person, at the right place, at the right time. And their main incentive? It’s free!

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Delloop also allows other brands to create alliances that would have normally take months to achieve, instantly. Now brands can cross-promote services and products in one place and with one click.

We are enabling the Customer to compile all their queries and conversations with retailers and brands into one place, so they don’t have to jump from app to app.

But beyond the mumbo-jumbo of the operational side, the relevance, for Delloop is that we are putting our money where our mouth is.

We’re striving to find more and better ways to make sure everything we offer to customers and retailers has a real-life impact that is not measured only by a financial result.

This is something that paves the road for us to help maintain a planet that can be enjoyed by future generations, all based on a simple and sometimes overused buzzword: Sustainability.

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Start an endless selling spree

Customer Engagement